Friday 31st January 2025
HomeReay’s DiaryAll go in the merry month of May

All go in the merry month of May

Gosh the weeks are going fast and we are nearly at the shortest day so I am trying to be very positive about the fact that spring will be sprung in no time, but I fear, not before a lot of horrible weather has come our way.

Living at our new property experiencing the change of seasons promises to be great. In our old house we knew when spring was on the door step because the jonquils and daffodils all started to pop out of the ground. We have no idea what will pop up at this new property but it will be fun finding out. On moving, we thought we had left behind London plane trees but we do have two huge plane trees here and they still have many leaves to fall.

Thankfully, these trees are on the lawn and not the drive and there are only two!

This month I went to my sister-in-law’s significant birthday party held at her home in Clevedon. She is a wonderful gardener and to see what has been achieved over two years is amazing. Driving home, I thought that with clever planting, all the new subdivisions we passed along the way could really look great if they were planted effectively rather than just featuring awful row on row of wooden fences.

This month we also had the chimney sweep in with the hope of putting our wood burner to work only to find out it is shot and we need a new one. We have required a lot of advice as the existing flue goes up through the highest point on our roof. Hopefully next month I can report on a ‘warm’ outcome.

Shortly after we moved into this house I decided that after having Santa Fe shutters in our former bedroom, I wanted to have the same in my new bedroom.

Reay’s new Santa Fe shutters just what she wanted.

I duly contacted Kevens Curtains and luckily for us the store had a special on Santa Fe shutters. A consultant came out to measure up and the order placed. Waiting has never been my strong point but I am happy to report that my new shutters are, of last week, installed.

Oddly enough I was talking to my Waiau Pa friend and she told me her shutters had arrived too and were ready to install. Unfortunately, for her, the house she is building is not ready for shutters! But me, well, my home was ready and now all is done! Mother’s Day was a great success too.

It was a real ‘me’ day. My daughter, who works at Cafe Kaos two days a week, was working there on Sunday so, to be with her, the family had to lunch at Kaos. It was so much fun and because some of us were late it meant that the majority of customers were gone and we could all eat together – lots of fun.

We then went home and two of my nieces popped in to say, ‘Happy Mother’s Day’. They were my sister’s daughters and, as she is no longer here, I am the closest thing to their mother. A great day – I am so lucky to have such a special family, extended or whatever. Roll on winter, or not!


Reay Neben is a Franklin resident and publisher of Rural Living.

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