By the time you read this I will have attended the Tuakau Settlers annual luncheon held in the Tuakau War Memorial Hall.
I have been privileged to attend this annual event for the past few years, my connection being that I attended the Tuakau Primary school a long, long time ago.
Although our family lived in Tuakau I spent five years of my young life in the Wilson Home, Takapuna, so, when I was discharged from the hospital at the age of nine, I was in Standard 1 ( now Year 3).
My first classroom was upstairs in the council chambers at the War Memorial Hall as there was a lack of classrooms at the school.
The next year, being in Standard 2, it was a thrill to finally attend a proper school but because I had never been amongst so many children at once it was quite scary.
Once I became accustomed to it, I had a most happy time and really loved the school and my fellow pupils, many who will be attending the luncheon.
In summer there were so many places for me, my sisters, and friends to go swimming. We spent many hours at the Centennial Park pools (sharing with the eels) which were built in the creek running through the bottom of the park. It was only creek water – no added chemicals – but it was great fun and I can’t remember anyone being sick or catching bugs and things from the water.
Another regular swimming spot was at Barnaby’s Pools. These were also part of a creek which had been dammed at one end with a waterfall at the other. Quite often there were cows drinking from the creek which we were not concerned about in those days. No PC rules then.
Another top swimming hole was in the pool at the bottom of the waterfall behind the Tuakau Dairy Factory.
The water there always seemed clean and refreshing although it became very polluted a bit further down the creek where the dairy company discharged much of its waste.
We also swam in the Waikato River at the spot from where they recovered sand, just along from the bridge. It was almost like being at the beach – wonderful. But I think that is enough reminiscing for now.
In a recent article I mentioned our horse, Will Desire, had gone off the boil. Trainer, Geoffrey Small decided to give him two weeks of swimming and that did the trick. During the past two weeks he has had a good third placing and easily won his next race – here’s hoping this continues.
Go the ABs.
Brian Neben publishes Rural Living and is also an avid lifestyle farmer