As we ready ourselves for 2018 – aspirations and New Year resolutions in hand – I’m still snappin’ my fingers and shuffling my feet as I recall the amazing, pre-Christmas event at H.R. Fisken and Sons, to mark the end of the company’s diamond jubilee year.

A huge assembly of staff, friends and customers of this family business gathered for a real country hootenanny with star performers, the truly incredible Topp Twins keeping everyone in hysterics – ‘they looked good, they looked fine and I nearly lost my mind…’
For those readers who have no idea what I’m waffling on about, I refer to the Crystals 1963 hit, Da Do Ron Ron, which Camp Mother and Camp Leader had us all singing and flailing our arms in the air. And didn’t we love it!
But the big surprise was John Fisken stepping on to the stage – suddenly the Topp Twins became the Tremendous Trio.
John’s harmonica playing blew me away – this man should have been a performer. By day he may provide feed for farm animals but, my gosh, by night, he could be feeding bluegrass fans with mouth organ melodies fit to make Bob Dylan green with envy.
So, a very big thank you to John and the Fisken family, who together with staff, hosted an unforgettable evening which really was hard to Topp! Same again next year, John?
Of course, for everyone else the big celebration to come was Christmas. Although I am writing ahead of the big day, I do hope it was as happy for readers as I’m sure it will have been for me – Christmas with the family in my new Pukekohe home!
Although the tinsel will soon be packed away for another year, the holiday season is only just underway. So, drive safely everyone, take extra care when boating and swimming, slap on the sun block – regularly – and make time to enjoy the many free events in the city and all around Auckland.
I’m keeping fingers crossed for plenty of sunny days with a good smattering of overnight downpours to keep paddocks green and water tanks full. While farmers and lifestylers will need to keep up with chores, time out is important too. So, an hour on the sun lounger with Rural Living is recommended.
I’m betting punters and horse lovers will enjoy reading about standardbred breeder, Tony Dickinson from Alta Dream Lodge, and I’m hoping our Over the Gate chat with Kimber Brown, chairman of Kaimanawa Heritage Horses, will inspire some offers to re-home a Kaimanawa after the next muster, expected to take place in April – it’s hard not to be utterly charmed by these loyal and clever equines.
And, with that, it’s time for me to depart – 2018 is upon us and already I don’t hold out much hope for my New Year resolutions – I do hope yours have a better chance than mine!
Here’s hoping that festive blessings continue to linger and that the upcoming year brings out the best in all of us.