Do you know, I was going to comment on the Donald Trump election and then, suddenly, I just couldn’t be bothered.
I think enough has been said for now and the US presidency will play out one way or another as we all watch things change either for better or for worse.
What’s more, at the end of the day, no matter how people voted they will have no more say than they ever did which is the way of politics everywhere. And, at least for now, the sky hasn’t fallen in even though the earth may be shaking!
Yes, it’s been a funny old month in many ways. As well as the upheaval in the US there’s been another ‘upheaval’ in our own backyard – the 7.5 earthquake that struck near Culverden and caused infrastructure devastation along the South Island’s east coast all the way to the Wellington CBD.
This also resulted in two of deaths and saw Kiwis once again come to the realisation that these are still tumultuous times.
On the other hand there have been some very happy moments. I was delighted when my seven year old grandson took out four firsts and a third in his Puni School athletics day.
Then his younger brother, just four and a half, was told that on turning five he will go into his club’s gymnastic development squad – shades of his grandfather’s skill many decades ago not to mention our daughter’s ability when it came to vault, bars, beam and floor.
Then there was the lovely family outing to the Parnell Festival of Roses. I was so impressed by the many volunteers decked out in colourful costumes who made an enormous effort to ensure children’s entertainment was all about lively fun.
And it was fun especially when my little family (a.k.a team Jaberwockies) delved into the proffered fancy dress bag and donned costumes to compete against the Butterflies in a Wonderland croquet competition. Wish there were more events like that!
With food, stalls and music, not to mention the gorgeous roses in bloom throughout the gardens, it was community spirit at its best although we had to drag eldest grandson away from the Adopt a Dog section otherwise I think we’d have gone home with them all!
Well, that’s about it from me other than commending our own great team on their efforts to bring you another Rural Living.
This month we’re at home with Auckland’s new deputy mayor, none other than Franklin Ward Councillor Bill Cashmore and we discover a lighter side to equestrian extraordinaire, Tina Fagan.
You’ll also read about another local artistic talent, see some super give-aways and find out why there nothing like a clown to bring on the laughs.
And that’s just a smidgen of what’s inside so, you know what to do now – grab a cuppa and enjoy!
-Helen Perry