Well, the shortest day has come and gone and we are now heading for spring – yes we are!
At this stage we haven’t had any really cold weather which is just as well for us as our new fireplace has not yet been installed.
On our way to the office this week I saw jonquils on the side of the road and, believe it or not, baby lambs – that surely says spring is on the way? I am now looking forward to what pops up in my new garden but as yet no spring flowers.

In the old property we had jonquils and daffodils lining the driveway so spring was well heralded.
I have been busy this month doing all the odd jobs that make a difference at the new house. I spent Queen’s Birthday weekend painting numerous pergolas, black instead of the bright green they were. That certainly made a difference.
Actually, on the Saturday of the long weekend Brian and I headed for Mitre 10 Mega to buy the fence paint. We were only popping in for a minute as we knew exactly what we wanted. Two hours later we left – not quite the pop we planned!
First, while in the garden section, we ran into some old newspaper friends who we hadn’t seen for years. Catching up so unexpectedly was wonderful. They had recently sold their home of many years but like us decided to stay in the area.
After leaving them we then bumped into our old Runciman Road neighbours so, again, plenty to catch up on. We have lived in our new house for just four months but it seems much longer – whether taking on a complete project at our age was a good idea only time will tell.
We are working hard physically and if it wasn’t for our wonderful Pilates instructor (Jo Plummer) I’m sure we wouldn’t recover as well as we do. I must admit there have been times when I have thought maybe a retirement village would have been a good idea but that thought passes quickly.
I do enjoy planning and moving things about and just doing the little things that make a big difference. I have never wanted a new home as I could never decide just what it is I really want.
My Waiau Pa friend is different and she is still waiting anxiously for her new house to be finished. She has not found it easy being in rented accommodation especially this month as she has had a knee replacement.
The shower over the bath proved to be a real difficulty especially when down the road, at her new home, the walk-in showers were waiting to be finished. Anyway she has a lot to look forward to.
During this past month we’ve celebrated four birthdays in four weeks – one per week. I was spoilt as the family came out and prepared a beautiful dinner.
Decorations were put out, silly birthday glasses and hats had to be worn and then the cake and candles were presented. A wonderful night and, thanks to the girls, a no stress evening for me.
This was the first real family event at the new place and I’m happy to say it worked well.

So, see you next month when spring will be sprung…I think!